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Museums of Moscow
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Museums of Moscow

Taking a tour to st petersburg or Moscow will allow you to see some of the best museums in the world. There are more than 80 museums throughout the city all of which offer an informative and interesting sight into Russia's history and culture. Some of the museums, such as the Tretyakov Gallery and the State Armory, have collections from world famous craftsman and artists. While other museums display the works of a more specialty interest.

The State Armory contains an elaborate 17th century enamel work which is displayed during exhibitions. There is also a stunning collection of silverware and jewelry along with gold and royal regalia. The items displayed in this museum date back to the times of the Tsar's. The Tretyakov gallery contains many artworks from famous Russian artists, one of which is the Valentin Serov's Girl with peaches (1887) that is part of the largest Russian art collection.  More information is on travel site

The more elaborate works are the ones that commemorate the lives of past musicians, artists and writers. They display the rooms where these people lived and worked during their time. For example the Tolstoy House - Museum exhibits the house that Leo Tolstoy lived for over 20 years while working on the hugely successful and popular novel, War and Peace. The house is currently and invocative museum which illustrates the daily lives of the write along with his family.

Another popular museum is the Lenin Mausoleum. This contains the red and black pyramid which was built during the 1930's by a famous architect called Aleksey Shchusev. Within it contains the preserved body of the first soviet leader, Vladimir Lenin.

The personal interest of the visitor is a good indicator of what museums should be visited. This is due to the large number of museums covering many fields of interest such as the fine arts, science, the Revolution, history, Russian theatre, lives of the past nobility, and culture. Apart from museums there are also several country estates throughout Moscow. Some of these include the Kuskovo and Kolomenskoe both of which are accessible by metro. The estates do not have as much art and content as the museums but they are still worth a half day excursion.  

When visitors plan for trips to museums in Moscow it's good to keep in mind that several may be closed due to current, much needed, renovations. If you don't want to be limited by the museums in Moscow and would like to explore in other parts in Russia you could grab a ticket and ride the Trans-Siberian railway.  


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